The Company
Infratrasporti.To S.r.l. is one of the most important public companies in Europe capable of managing the entire cycle of engineering activities, from surveys and feasibility studies to work management and testing.
The company is owned exclusively by the City of Turin and it was created on 1 October 2010, following the spin-off scission of the business unit Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A.
InfraTo aims to own and manage infrastructure and to engineer, plan, construct and develop facilities, systems and infrastructure, including railways for passenger and freight transportation (both public and private).
The City of Turin also conferred upon Infratrasporti.To S.r.l. the assets of Line 1 of the Turin Automatic Underground (13.2 km) and the N. 4 Tramway line (18 km) and the n. 16 Tramway line.

InfraTo’s mission is to develop a kind of infrastructure for rapid mass transportation that is integrated in the urban context in which it operates. The final aim is to improve the quality of life of the city and of the people who inhabit it.
The way of working is based on four fundamental principles:
- conducting urban context analysis and listening to the needs of the territory and of its inhabitants;
- planning facilities capable of integrating into the urban reality in which they operate;
- realization of facilities;
- work management and maintenance for an always efficient and pleasant fruition.
Realizing facilities in harmony with the city and the people means improving all the environment surrounding us, thanks to simple and rapid transportation, the reduction of air pollution, and the improvement of the perceived quality of life.